Friday, January 22, 2010

Friday evening at SDRC

500 - 200 free, 100 back, 200 (50 swim-kick-drill-swim)
4000 - 4x1000 descend 1-4 1:00 rest between sets (14:37, 14:25, 14:02, 13:25)
I really like these sets. As you can tell I really took the sets seriously in their speed. I really took the first one nice and easy. I should have taken my heart rate after each set! Each set was dramatically more intense than the previous one.

500 - 20x25 down fast, back easy on :30 (got :15-:16 on fast, :19 on EZ)
200 warmdown

total 5200

Looking forward to tomorrow morning's 10K swim. Tonight's workout was fantastic! I was pleased with the last 1000. Tomorrow I have another fast 1000 to do and my goal is to get as close to 13:00 even or under as possible.

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